Grant * we beseech Thee * Almighty God
that the soul of Thy servant ___________________ may be cleansed
and enjoy everlasting rest through our Lord Jesus Christ
Your Son who with Thee lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
God * world without end.
Absolved * O Lord * the soul of Your servant ___________________
from every bond of sin so he may deserve to escape the judgment of wrath
and come to the enjoyment of beatitude * in eternal light.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine unto him.
From the gates of hell.
Deliver the soul of ___________________
May he rest in peace.
Lord, hear our prayer.
And let our cry come unto You.
The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit
O God, the creator and redeemer of all the faithful
Grant to the soul of Your servant ____________________,
The remission of all his sins, That through pious supplications,
he may obtain the pardon he has always desired,
Grant this, O Lord, who lives and reigns,World without end.
May __________________ soul and the souls of all faithful departed
through the mercy of God * Rest in peace.
Eternal rest grant unto ____________________ O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Eduardo Mendoza
Eduardo Mendoza
Eduardo Mendoza
Eduardo Mendoza
Eduardo Mendoza
Eduardo Mendoza
Adam 1st 40 years |
777 X 7 Adam 40th BDay to Abel death |
400 X 777 Sabbath Days |
777 X 7 Obama to Millennium |
200 X 777 X 7 Cain to David |
200 X 777 X 7 David to Obama |
120 Jubilees |
27 X 777 Sabbaths |
402 Year Cycle |
50 Blood Moon |
70 Years Babylonian Captivity |
70 Weeks of Jesus Ministry |
Solar & Lunar Sync |
70 Jupiter-Regulus Conjunctions |
1st 15 Eclipse Cycles |
2nd 15 Eclipse Cycles |
3rd 15 Eclipse Cycles |
4th 5 Eclipse Cycles |
3965 BC to 2836 BC |
2836 BC to 1640 BC |
1640 BC to 537 BC |
537 BC to 757 AD |
757 AD to 1955 AD |
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