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You who forgave Magdalene

and heard the prayer of the thief,

We beseech You, hear us.

You who saved freely Thy elect,

We beseech You, hear us.

You who have the keys of heaven and hell,

We beseech You, hear us.

That You would be pleased to deliver

the souls of our parents, relatives, friends

and benefactors from the pains of hell,

We beseech You, hear us.

That You would be pleased to have mercy on those,

of whom no special remembrance is made on earth,

We beseech You, hear us.

That You would be pleased to grant them all

all the pardon and remission of all their sins,

We beseech You, hear us.

That You would be pleased to fulfill all their desires.

We beseech You, hear us.

That You would be pleased to receive them,

into the company of the blessed

We beseech You, hear us.

King of Awful Majesty.,

We beseech You, hear us.

Son of God,

We beseech You, hear us.

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,

Grant him rest.

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,

Grant him rest.

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,

Grant him rest everlasting.

Christ, hear us,

Christ, graciously hear us

Lord, have mercy,

Christ, have mercy

From the gates of hell,

Deliver the soul of __________


O Lord, hear our prayers.

And let our cry come unto You.