Great Flood - Great Fire
October 1, 2348 BC - Julian - Thursday - The Great Flood - Days of Noah
September 11, 2348 BC - Gregorian
- Sun at Libra - 17th Moonday
+ 4,371 years + 102 days = 66 X 66 years + 15 years + 102 days
December 22, 2024 - Sunday - Kislev 21 - Great Fire - Start of Days of Tribulation
+ 29 days
January 20, 2025 - Monday - Tevet 20 - Rapture of the 144,000 Israelites
+ 10 days
January 30, 2025 - Thursday - Shevat 1 - 2nd Coming of Christ Jesus - End Tribulations
+ 3 days War of Armageddon
February 2, 2024 - Sunday - Shevat 4 - Nibiru Flyby after 42 days roundtrip at Sun
- Start of Satan's 67 X 777 X 7 days millennium prison sentence
Home |
Adam 1st 40 years |
777 X 7 Adam 40th BDay to Abel death |
400 X 777 Sabbath Days |
777 X 7 Obama to Millennium |
199 X 777 X 7 Cain to 60th Jubilee |
201 X 777 X 7 60th Jubilee to Obama |
1st 15 Eclipse Cycles |
2nd 15 Eclipse Cycles |
3rd 15 Eclipse Cycles |
4th 5 Eclipse Cycles |
3965 BC to 2836 BC |
2836 BC to 1640 BC |
1640 BC to 537 BC |
537 BC to 757 AD |
757 AD to 1955 AD |