390 days and 40 days:
Ezekial 4:9 -For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity according to the number of days,
390 days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou has accomplish them,
lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah, 40 days.
1019 BC - Start building the Temple - 4th Year of Solomon (34)
+ 3 Years
1016 BC - Rehoboam was 16, Start of Iniquit for 390 Years, 7th year of Solomon
+ 390 years
+ 4 years
1012 BC - Finished Temple on 11th Year of Solomon
+ 9 years - building of Solomon's Palace
1003 BC - Dedication of the Temple, 1,000 years before Jesus birth
+ 377 years
626 BC - Fall of the Kingdom of Israel - End of 390 years
+ 40 years
586 BC - Fall of Judah - Temple burned - Start of Babylonian Captivity
Subtotal: 430 Years
Total Number of Days: 390 years + 40 Years = 430 Years
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3965 BC to 2836 BC |
2836 BC to 1640 BC |
1640 BC to 537 BC |
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757 AD to 1955 AD |