400 Sabbatical Years = 8 X Jubilees - 1 Extra Sabbath Week

400 Years = 8 X 18263  -7 = 146104 - 7 = 146097 Days

400 Solar Years = 400 X 365.2425 = 146097 Days    No Error

400 Lunar or Solar Years = 146097 Days = 20,871 Sabbaths = 27 X  773 Sabbaths

To make it  equal to 27 X 777 Sabbaths:

We need to add  27 X 4 Sabbaths = 27 X 4 X 7 Days  = 756 Days

402 years cycle= 402 Sabbatical Years + 28 Days  = 146,853 Days = 27 X 777 X 7

July 27, 3964 BC - Adam 40 years old                                        Mayan Kin    1,561,529

 402 X  777 X 7 = 14.8888 X 27 X 777 X 7

400 Sabbatical Years:

773 Sabbath to 777 Sabbath:

756 Days = 2 Lunar Years + 1 Lunar Month = 364 X 2 + 28 = 728 + 28

402  Sabbatical Year Cycle = 27 X 777 Sabbath:

27 X 777 Sabbaths = 402 Lunar Years + 1 Lunar Month

402 X 777th Sabbath:

Another interesting cycle is the 402 cycles of 777th Sabbath:


December 11, 2023 AD - Millennium Reign                                 Mayan Kin           4,007

777th Sabbath

So, there is a point in Biblical History where the total number of Days is equivalent to              2 X 7 X 27 X 777 X 7 days!!!