Trusting in your goodness kind;

I implore with humble heart,

That you might send to my harvest;

 All your blessing, from the start.

 Fare thee well, most gracious saint;

God’s favorite, whom we adore,

 Till next year at the harvest;

 Of farmers, Saint Isidore.

Let us Pray

All-powerful Lord, Father of Mercy, God of All Consolation,

who aids us and guides us in all of our trials and tribulations,

God of Constance, Father of Light, from whom all good things flow; by the agony, sufferings and blood of your son Jesus Christ,

by his most precious blood, by the intercession of Most Holy Mary and of all the saints, and by the merits of your servant,

Saint Isidore the Farmer, I humbly implore you,

that putting aside my past sins,

I may look forward to your mercies and justice,

so that by fleeing and constant dangers and

snares set to triumph over me by the Devil, the world and the flesh, grant that I may live only in you, through you and for you;

and casting from me the idol of passion which, up to now,

has held me bound, that only your glory may reign in me,

that it may guide all my actions, works, words and thoughts;

so that by serving and loving thee in this life,

I may be deserving, at the hour of my death, to behold you

and, strengthened by the holy sacraments of the Church

and by the help of your grace, I may love you

and enjoy your eternal company along with Saint Isidore, Amen.