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End of Malachi to Fall of Tiberius      435 years

375 BC June 1     - End of Malachi   400 years of Silence for prophets until June 1, 26 AD

4 BC June 1      - Last day of Abijah order, Zechariah’s saw the angel and he became mute

4 BC June 11   - Elizabeth 1st day of her last period. Start of 40 Weeks count of Pregnancy

4 BC December 5- Angel Gabriel visited Mary on the start of her last period. Start of 40 Weeks count

3 BC March 18 - Birth of John the Baptist, Nisan 1

3 BC September 11 - Birth of Jesus Christ

3 BC September 14 9th 402-Year Cycle, 3 days after birth of Jesus

3 BC October 24 - Jesus offered in Temple, Thursday

13 AD September 14- Joseph offered Jesus to Yahweh, Thursday

26 AD June 1 - Start of John’s ministry , Sabbath, End of 400 years of Silence

27 AD February 13 - Baptism of Jesus by John, Thursday, Start of 70 Weeks of Daniel

27 AD March 25 - End of Jesus Fasting, 400 Days before death, Tuesday

27 AD April 3 - John 2:14 -1st Entry into Jerusalem, Thursday End of 7 weeks

27 AD April 4 -  Friday - 1st Cleansing of the Temple

27 AD April 10 -  Thursday - 1st Day of Unleavend Bread

27 AD April 12 -  Sabbath Day - Healing a man with infirmities

27 AD May 24 -  Sabbath Day - John was arrested after 51 weeks of Ministry

27 AD June 1 - Sunday (not Passover) - Feeding of the Multitudes

27 AD August 20 Greg - Tishri 1 - Beautitudes - Transfiguration - Sermon on the Mount

27 AD October 1 - Dance of Salome at Herod’s Birthday - 17th Day of Moon - Memorial of the Flood

27 AD October 5 - Tishri 15 - Start of Feast of Tabernacles

28 AD April 22 - 2nd Entry into Jerusalem, Thursday - Total ministry = 55 Weeks End of 62nd Week

28 AD April 23 -  Friday - 9th of Nisan - 2nd Cleansing of the Temple

28 AD April 28 - Death of Jesus, Wednesday   63rd Week 6th Day

28 AD May 1 - Resurrection of Jesus, Sabbath Day

28 AD June 10 - Christ Jesus ascended to Heaven, Thursday

28 AD June 20 - Day of Pentecost- Start of New Testament, Sunday

31 AD - Start fall of Emperor Tiberius with execution of Sejanus