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Timeline of Cain:

August 21, 3979 BC - Tishri 1 - Birth of Cain and Abel, Adam, 25


2 X 777 X 7 Days


June 2, 3949 BC - Cain and Abel performed their offerings Gen 4:14


17 Days


June 19, 3949 BC - Cain Vagabond on Earth Gen 4:14


+ 999 years + 63 Days


August 14, 2950 - Monday - Tishri 1 - Cain's death at 3 X 7 X 7 X 7 years old


+ 2 Years + 52 days


October 5, 2948 - Sunday - 2nd Month - 17th Moonday - Birth of Noah


+ 600 Years + 1 day = 77 X 7.7777777 years + 1.111 year


October 2, 2348 - Friday - 2nd Month - 17th Moonday - Great Flood


Genealogy of Cain:

Genealogy of Seth:

1. Cain - 3979 BC to 2950 BC

2. Enoch - 3769 BC  Gen 4:17

3. Irad Gen 4:18

4. Mehujael - 3609 BC

5. Methusael - 3317 BC

6. Lamech - 3129 BC

7. Son # 1 - TubalCain - 3036 BC to 2950 BC, died 86 years old (86 X 7 = 602 years) - Toolmaker

1. Abel - 3979 BC

2. Seth - 3874 BC

3. Enos - 3770 BC

4. Cainan - 3680 BC

5. Mahalaleel - 3610 BC

6. Jared 3645 BC

7. Enoch - 3383 BC

8. Methselah - 3318 BC

9. Lamech - 3130 BC

Wife # 1- Adah

Daughter # 1 - Jabal - Naamah - fashion and beauty products for women

Wife # 2- Zillah

Son # 1 - Jabal - dwell in tents and have cattle Gen 4:20

Son # 2 - Jubal - players of harp and organ      Gen 4:21

Gen 4:23 - And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding ( Cain), and a young man to my hurt (Tubal-Cain).

Tubalcain was the inventor of metal devices that kills, namely, bow and arrow and spear.  Cain lived unto his 7th generation, namely, Jabal, Jubal, Tubalcain and Naamah.  Jewish tradition says that Cain became blind and his mark made him like a wild animal.  Lamech, his 6th generation also became blind.  One day, Tubalcain, Cain’s 7th generation, took Lamech on a hunting trip.  Tubalcain heard some noises in some brushes and told his father, Lamech, where the animal noise was coming from.  Lamech, being blind but sensitive to noise, took aim and shoot.  When Lamech took out his arrow and placed his hands on the dead animal, he found out that it was Cain and his anger was directed to his son, Tubalcain and he shoot his arrow in his direction and killed him also.  The “man to my wounding” was his great-great-grandfather Cain and “a young man to my hurt” was his own son, Tubalcain.  Nothing was heard from Lamech from that day on.